
情感導師 5599


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Yes,Wilma,I know that you will share with me grief over P’s (林的英文名Phyllis)death and I am deeply touched by your sympathy and condolescence. It is more than a year and a half now. She fought most courageously against her poor health and was undaunted till the last moment. It may console you a little to know that she was never so happy over life and work as in her last 6.5 years. Like all the intelligentsia in China today, she had already seen with unshakable conviction and absolute self-confidence a picture of the great and bright future for her country and her people. In spite of her very poor health, she proudly shares with other architects the responsibility and burden of reconstructing the country and the training of future generations of architects. She was appointed a top-rank architect of the Municipality of Peking and a number of the City Planning Commission, concurrently teaching in Tsing Hua, and was elected a representative of the Peoples Representatives Congress of Peking. She even found opportunities in improving the designs of cloisonné(remember how ugly they could be?!) and soaked herself in the workshops for days on a stretch, working together with the artisans and created articles of exquisite beauty.She was still bending over her drawing board, sitting in bed, against the advice of doctors and disregarding the protests of the family and friends, till a few days before she was taken to the hospital on Feb.12,55. She was 50, and ill, but her enthusiasm was as high as ever, as you know her years ago. She was confident that she would recover soon and be back to work again. But in spite of all the efforts of the doctors, she lost her last battle on April 1st. Perhaps her only regret is that she did not live to see the radiant future for which she contributed every mince of strength of her last few years life.Ever since 1949, she was given the best medical care by the Government (all free of charge, of course) and, after her death, in recognition of her service to the people , was buried in the Peoples Revolutionary Cemetery near 八寶山.Only if she had such case a few years earlier, she would have a much better chance to recover, and would be able to do much much more.Yes,Wilma,P's death is a terrible blow to me and an irretrievable loss to many of our friends,Lao Chin, Hst-jo and T.S. especially,and to many younger member of the teaching staff in Tsing Hua,I found work difficult without her cooperation to which I was so accustomed for nearly 30 years.It took me considerable length of time to pull myself together again and proceed with work. But, you can well imagine, how limped I am without her guiding wisdom and never failing encouragement on which I was almost completely dependent.














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