
情感導師 5305


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1、不喜歡主動找別人聊天 有特別期待與別人聊天 但是又不願意一直聊天 !

Do not like to take the initiative to chat with others, have a special look forward to chatting with others, but do not want to chat all the time

2、懷疑愛情的真實性 總覺得身邊的男人不靠譜 !

Doubt the truth of love, always feel that the men around you are not reliable


3丶看見甜甜的電視劇和小說 就會立馬產生戀愛的強大欲望!

See sweet TV series and novels will immediately have a strong desire for love

4、出門已經懶得化妝 愛誰誰!

Go out already lazy make-up to love who who

5、都是愛情專家 情感疏導大師!

Love experts, emotional counseling masters

6、「好想談戀愛」 「給你介紹個」 「別」 !

"I really want to fall in love" "introduce you" "don't"

7丶不說話的時候覺得很兇 看起來也很高冷 !

I feel very fierce when I don't speak, and I look very cold

8、不懂得和男生怎麼相處 感覺渾身不自在 彆扭的不行!

Don't know how to get along with boys, feel uncomfortable all over the body, uncomfortable can't

9丶想要成為大哥的女人 一不小心自己成了大哥!

A woman who wants to be a big brother accidentally becomes a big brother

10丶一有男生找聊天 出去玩 就覺得對方是看上自己了!

As soon as a boy looks for a chat to go out to play, he feels that the other side is in love with himself

愛情是可遇不可求的 遇到喜歡的人一定要主動不留遺憾—— 無名氏


2024-07-01 13:07:03


2024-04-12 23:04:38


2024-04-05 13:04:01


2023-12-12 16:12:50

發了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎麼辦呢?


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