
情感導師 7906


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一、如果有人拿你不當回事,沒必要因此生氣。更別鼓足了勁兒去表現,非要證明自己多出色。這樣做會累死你,因為拿你不當一回事的人多着呢,你無法滿足所有人的眼光,最好的辦法是誰不在乎你,你也不必在乎他。不必為別人的一兩句話就改變自己對自己的看法,自己是怎樣繼續怎樣,你的努力,只是為了自己。If someone takes you seriously, there's no need to get angry about it. And don't go all out to show how good you are. You have to prove how good you are. This will kill you, because there are many people who take you seriously. You can't satisfy everyone's eyes. The best way is that who doesn't care about you and you don't care about him. You don't have to change your opinion about yourself for one or two sentences from others. How do you go on? Your efforts are just for yourself.

二、決定你穿什麼衣裳的,不是你的錢包,而是你的身材。決定你的脾氣的,不是你的性格,而是你的位置。決定你的品位的,不是你的學歷,而是你的閱歷。It's not your wallet, it's your body that decides what you wear. It's not your personality that determines your temper, it's your position. What determines your taste is not your educational background, but your experience.

三、你當我是個風箏,要不把我放了,要不然收好帶回家,別用一條看不見的情思拴着我,讓我心傷。沒有過不去的事情,只有過不去的心情,心若晴朗,人生便沒有雨天,自己才是人生的作者,何必將劇本寫得苦不堪言。If you think I'm a kite, don't let me go, or take me home, don't tie me up with an invisible feeling, and make me sad. There are no things that can't be passed, only the mood that can't be passed, if the mood is clear, there will be no rainy day in life. I am the author of life. Why must I write the script so bitterly?

四、曾幾何時我以為我找到了我要的幸福,可是當我毫無保留的付出後,才發現原來一直都是我的一廂情願。隨着時光的流逝安全感也漸漸隨之而去,它去了哪,我不知道,也找不到。At one time I thought I had found the happiness I wanted, but when I gave it without reservation, I realized that it had always been my wishful thinking. With the passage of time, the sense of security has gradually gone, where it went, I don't know, can't find it.


五、每個人都有夢想,夢想或大或小,每個人的心裡,都藏着一個了不起的自己,在追逐的路上總會遇見艱難和困擾。只要我們的腳步不停留,勝利就是比誰堅持的久。只要你不頹廢,不消極,培養着豁達,堅持着善良,只要在路上,就沒有到達不了的遠方!Everyone has dreams, dreams big or small. Everyone has a great self in his heart. On the way of pursuit, he will meet difficulties and troubles. As long as our footsteps do not stop, victory is longer than who insists. As long as you are not decadent, passive, open-minded and good-hearted, as long as you are on the road, there is no distance you can not reach!

六、誰都沒有比誰生活地容易。只是有的人呼天搶地,痛不欲生。而有的人,卻默默地咬牙,逼自己學會堅強。有些事情是憑着喜歡去做的,有些事情是必須要為其拼搏的,這就是生活的樂趣和無奈。Nobody lives easier than anybody else. But some people scramble for heaven and earth, and they are in pain. Some people, however, grind their teeth silently and force themselves to learn to be strong. Some things are done on the basis of liking, and some things must be fought for. This is the joy and helplessness of life.

七、我們曾經漠視年輕的珍貴,最終選擇無奈地老去。沒有什麼可以挽留歲月的腳步,沒有什麼能比容顏漸衰而黯然傷神。別有太多的恨,此生遇到的人,來生皆不會相見。銘記那些平凡的感動,在時光的縫隙中傾聽靈魂的聲音。該放手的,就放下吧,世界很嘈雜,真正值得擁有的,是生命中不多的純淨。We used to ignore the preciousness of youth and finally choose to grow old helplessly. Nothing can keep the pace of the years. Nothing can be more sad than the fading face. Don't have too much hate. The people you meet in this life will never meet in the next life. Bear in mind those ordinary touches, listen to the voice of the soul in the gap of time. Let go, let go. The world is noisy. What is really worth having is the purity of life. < br/>

八、你知不知道,你我從認識的那一刻起,我就知道我們之間的感情已經開始了倒數計時。無論我如何努力,我們之間的期限不是一輩子。如果你在中途離開,我可以去找你,但這本身已經是一種失去了。有時候我失去了你這個人,有時候我失去了你對我的感情,而一切當中唯一肯定的是,我們全都失去了時間……Do you know, from the moment I knew you, I knew that our relationship had begun to count down. No matter how hard I try, the time limit between us is not a lifetime. If you leave halfway, I can go to see you, but this is a kind of loss in itself. Sometimes I lose you, sometimes I lose your feelings for me, and the only sure thing is that we all lose time...

九、失敗了不要躲起來,誰也不見爸爸媽媽,還是會叫你吃飯摯友,還是會找你聊天,愛你的依然會愛你,這份愛不該是你的負擔或愧疚,而是你振作的理由。緣歸緣去,緣盡緣散,曾經的過往路過都歸零。If you fail, don't hide, nobody will see your parents, or you will be asked to eat, or chat with you, love you will still love you, this love should not be your burden or guilt, but the reason for you to cheer up. The fate of fate, fate, the past are zero.

十、所以不管是感情還是其他種種,我們都要學會珍惜。珍惜當下,珍惜身邊的人,你要相信,有的人一旦分離,或許這輩子都無緣再見。更複雜更深入的思考,意味着更充實,更豐富;更深刻的生活,意味着旺盛的生命。生活本身就是目的,若問生命有價值?唯一的答案就是,在於你是否有足夠的生活。簡簡單單的一句再見,我們連陌生人都不是。So whether it's emotions or other things, we should learn to cherish. Cherish the present, cherish the people around you, you have to believe that some people once separated, perhaps this life is not good-bye. More complex and in-depth thinking means fuller and richer; more profound life means exuberant life. Life is an end in itself. If we ask what is life worth? The only answer is whether you have enough life. A simple goodbye, we are not even strangers.

十一、網絡怎麼做流量?客戶在哪裡玩,我們就去哪裡玩,客戶在天涯,我們去天涯,在貼吧,我們去貼吧,在微博,就去微博,玩着玩着我們的初衷實現了....人要有個目標,這樣才有生活的動力。不要把日子過成複製粘貼。How does the network do traffic? Where customers play, we will go to play, customers in the end of the world, we go to the end of the world, in the post bar, we go to the post bar, in the micro-blog, go to the micro-blog, play with our original intention to achieve.. People need to have a goal, so as to have the power of life. Don't copy and paste your life.

十二、一個人總有一天會明白,妒忌是無用的,而模仿他人無異於自殺。因為不論好壞,人只有自己才能幫助自己,只有耕種自己的田地,才能收穫自家的玉米。上天賦予你的能力是獨一無二的,只有當你自己嘗試和運用時,才知道這份能力到底是什麼。One day one will understand that jealousy is useless, and imitating others is like suicide. For good or bad, man can help himself only by himself, and only by cultivating his own fields can he harvest his own corn. The ability that God has given you is unique, and only when you try and use it yourself will you know what it is.

十三、趁好看的時候多照照鏡子,畢竟這種錯覺不是每天都有的。我想我們終於不再愛了,這樣真好。我們給過彼此的那些眼淚和疼痛,如風飄遠。——安妮寶貝,人生的哲理可以用三天來述說:迷惑的人活在昨天、奢望的人活在明天、只有清澈的人活在今天。昨天已經過去,是過了期的支票,明天還沒有來到,是不可提取的支票,只有活在今天是最現實的。Look in the mirror when you look good. After all, this illusion does not happen every day. I think it's good that we don't love anymore. We have given each other those tears and pain, such as the wind drifting away. —— Annie baby, the philosophy of life can be described in three days: confused people live in yesterday, extravagant people live in tomorrow, only clear people live in today. Yesterday has passed. It's an overdue check. Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. It's a check that can't be drawn. It's the most realistic thing to live in today.

十四、你來到我心裡一陣子,卻在我記憶里擱淺一輩子。我不想去想你,可卻在很多個小瞬間無意的想起你。如若,我們甘於平庸,不上進,無夢想,不追求,不奮鬥,那麼我們憑什麼享受生活,有什麼資格跟世界說我來過?You came to my heart for a while, but stranded in my memory for a lifetime. I don't want to miss you, but I think of you unconsciously in many small moments. If we are willing to mediocrity, not progress, no dream, no pursuit, no struggle, then why do we enjoy life and what qualifications are there for me to live with the world?

十五、所有好的結果都是在行動中收穫的,你不需要很厲害才能開始,但你需要開始行動,才能變得很厲害。凝眸遠望,一片蒼茫,過往已經沒了回去的方向,而你我卻還有重聚的時光。我也不敢企望,只願歲月能善待你我,餘生的路不再彷徨。All good results are achieved in action. You don't need to be strong to start, but you need to start to be strong. Looking forward, a vast expanse, the past has no direction to go back, but you and I still have time to reunite. I dare not hope that the years will be kind to you and me, and the rest of my life will not hesitate.

十六、生活中出現不順心的事情,不要心懷不滿、怨氣衝天,也不必耿耿於懷、一蹶不振,是福是禍都得面對,是好是壞都會過去。生氣,是拿別人的錯誤懲罰自己。When something goes wrong in life, don't be dissatisfied and resentful, and don't be upset or depressed. We have to face both good and bad, and the good and the bad will pass away. To be angry is to punish oneself for the mistakes of others.

十七、 我也有過愛人,我也秀過恩愛,我也吃過悶醋,我也曾經幸福,我也以為會長久。即使你已經不愛我了,即使你已經忘記了我,即使我已經從這個世界消失,我依然會愛着你。我會去找一個天使,讓它替我來愛你。I have loved, I have shown love, I have eaten sullen vinegar, I have been happy, I also think it will last forever. Even if you do not love me, even if you have forgotten me, even if I have disappeared from the world, I will still love you. I will find an angel to love you for me.

十八、我討厭虛偽的人,討厭他們假惺惺的關心,討厭他們對我說為我好卻做着我極度厭惡的事,討厭他們。討厭自己,因為,我也是虛偽的人呢?考慮一千次,不如去做一次;猶豫一萬次,不如實踐一次;華麗的跌倒,勝過無謂的彷徨,將來的你,一定會感謝現在奮鬥的你。I hate hypocritical people, their hypocritical concerns, and the things they do to me when they say I'm good. I hate them. I hate myself, because I am also a hypocrite? Consider a thousand times, rather do it once; hesitate ten thousand times, better practice once; gorgeous fall, better than meaningless hesitation, you in the future, will thank you for your struggle now.

十九、因為只有知足,才會覺得現在的生活是多麼的美好,正所謂是知足常樂。沒有十全十美的東西,沒有十全十美的人,關鍵是清楚到底想要什麼。得到想要的,肯定會失去另外一部分。如果什麼都想要,只會什麼都得不到。Because only contentment, will feel how good life is now, is the so-called contentment. There is no perfect thing, no perfect person, the key is to know exactly what you want. If you get what you want, you will lose another part. If you want anything, you will get nothing.

二十、人人都很忙,除了親人,沒人會不奢求回報的對你好,當無人可靠的時候,請自己照顧自己,請站直,走的才會美。別沮喪,誰都一樣,總要熬過無人問津的日子,才能驚喜的迎來鮮花與掌聲。路還長,別着急眺望遠方,步子不求大該求穩。Everyone is very busy, except relatives, no one will not extravagantly ask for repayment of your good, when no one is reliable, please take care of yourself, please stand up straight, walk will be beautiful. Don't be depressed. Everyone is the same. It's always necessary to get through the days when nobody cares about it. Only then can flowers and applause be welcomed with surprise. It's a long way to go. Don't look at the distance too quickly. If you don't want to be big, you should be steady.


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