期末複習 | 高中英語必修一、必修二知識點匯總

情感導師 8440


獲取更多愛情挽回攻略 婚姻修復技巧 戀愛脫單幹貨


Unit 1 Friendship

1. be good to 對……友好

be good for 對……有益

期末複習 | 高中英語必修一、必修二知識點匯總

be bad to…/be bad for…對…..有害

be good with .與…..相處融洽

2. add up 加起來 增加

add up to 合計,總計

add… to 把……加到……

add that 補充說

3. not…until/till 意思是「直到…才」

4. get sth/sb done 使……完成/使某人被……(get用法小結)

5. calm down平靜下來

6. be concerned about 關心 關注

express/show concern about/for….. 對……表示關心

as far as…..be concerned 關於,就…..而言

be concerned with/in (concern oneself with/in)涉及、與…..有關係

7. 當while, when, before, after 等引導的時間狀語從句中的主語與主句的主語一致時,可將從句中的主語和be動詞省去。

While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose.

8. cheat in the exam 考試作弊

9. go through 經歷;度過;通過

10. hide away 躲藏;隱藏

11. set down 寫下,記下

set about doing sth/set out to do sth 着手做某事

set off 出發

set aside 把… 放在一旁

12. I wonder if…..我不知道是不是….

12. on purpose 故意地(類似介詞和名詞構成的短語相當於副詞功能)

in surprise,驚訝地

by chance, 偶然地

by accident,偶然地

in turn,依次

by turns,依次,輪流

in groups,成群地,成組地

in return,作為回報地

13. sth happen to sb 某人發生某事

sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事

sb happen to be ……某人碰巧是…..

It so happened that ……正巧 碰巧

14. It is the first (second…) time that… (從句謂語動詞用現在完成時)(結構中的it 可換成this,that.)

15.be in power 當權

come into/to power掌權,上台

16. It’s no pleasure doing…. (any longer)


It’s no good/ use doing sth. 做某事是沒好處的

17. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. it做形式賓語(小結find的用法)

18. suffer from 患…病;遭受(病患,飢餓等)

Suffer 遭受(損害,痛苦,失敗)

They _________ huge losses in the disaster.(suffer)suffered

I will not _______ such rudeness.(suffer)suffered

Do you often ________ toothache.(suffer)suffer from

19. so…that… /such…that…如此……以致於…..

20. get/be tired of…. 對…感到勞累 疲憊

21. have some trouble with sb/sth. 在…上遇到了麻煩

22. get along with sb/sth. 與某人相處

23. ask(sb)for advice. (向某人)徵求建議

24. make 後接複合賓語,賓語補足語須用不帶to 的不定式、形容詞、過去分詞、名詞等。常見的有以下幾種形式:

make sb. do sth.讓 (使)某人做某事

make sb. /sth. +adj. 使某人/物…

make sb./ oneself +v-ed 讓某人/自己被…

When you speak, you should make yourself understood.

make sb.+n. 使某人成為…

25. alone /lonely. 單獨的/孤獨的

He is alone,but he doesn’t feel lonely.

26. I would be grateful if…委婉客氣提出請求

27. Why not do….= why don’t you do…

28.face to face 面對面,

hand in hand 手拉手,

shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩,

side by side 並排地,

arm in arm臂挽臂地

back to back 背靠背地,

from door to door挨門挨戶地,

from head to foot 從頭到腳地

Unit 2 English around the world

1. because of 因為…… (注意和because 的區別)

2. even if (= even though)即使,用來引導讓步狀語從句

3. come up 走上前來,走近,發生,出現

come up with 追上,趕上,提出

4. communicate with sb 和某人交流

5. be different from… 與……不同

be different in … 在……方面不同

Most of my projects are different in performance.


6. be based on 以……為基礎

7. at present 目前,眼下 for the present眼前;暫時

8. make (good/better/full)use of

9. the latter後者 the former 前者

10. a large number of 大量的 the number of …的數量

11. such as 例如

12. hold on 堅持住,握住不放;(打電話時)等—會

13. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak. 你會聽出人們在說話時的差異。

14. play a role/ part (in) 在…中擔任/扮演一個角色;在…中起作用;

15. the same …as… 與……一樣

16. on the top of…在…頂上

At/on the bottom of 在……底端/底部

17. bring up 撫養,養育;提出

18. request sb (not) to do sth. 要求某人做/不要做某事

19. be satisfied with…對……感到滿意,滿足於

20. suggest v. (request,insist…)

I suggested you do what he says. 我建議你按照他說的去做。

I suggest you not go tomorrow. 我想你明天還是不要去了。

His pale face suggested that he was in bad health.


注意:insist 意思為「堅持要求」時後面的that從句用虛擬語氣;如果insist 意為「強調,堅持認為」的時候,從句可以用任何所需要的時態。

She insisted that she didn’t tell a lie.她堅持認為她沒撒謊。

21. according to…. 按照… 根據…


Prefer doing A…to doingB…

Prefer to do A… rather than do B

2. advantage /disadvantage 優勢/劣勢

take advantage/disadvantage of 利用…..

Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 從高中起,我姐姐王維和我就一直夢想做一次偉大的自行車旅行。

連詞since 引導的時間狀語從句用一般過去時,介詞since 與時間點連用

It is/has been+一段時間+since+一般過去時 自從……至今已經多久了。

3. persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth


Persuade sb of sth 使某人相信….

Persuade sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of doing sth 說服某人不做…

4. 強調句型 It is/was+被強調部分+that/who

強調句型可以強調除謂語動詞以外的任何句子成份。一般來說,如果被強調部分是人時,用連詞that或who;如果被強調部分是物,只能用連詞that. 注意not … until 的強調句

5.be fond of 喜歡,喜愛

6. Although 儘管,雖然,引導讓步狀語從句

① although 從句多在句首, though 從句可在主句前、中、後任何位置,而且though 可以作副詞用於句末,作「但是,不過」講,而although 無此用法。

② as though(仿佛,好像),even though(即使,儘管)中不能用although。

③ though 引導的讓步狀語從句可以倒裝(將表語、狀語、情態動詞後的動詞原形前置到句首,此用法同as),而 although 不可以。

7. insist on doing sth/ sth. 一定要、堅持主張

She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loudly。她老是一大早起來把收音機音量開大。

8.care about 關心 在乎

care for 喜歡,照料,照顧

9.change one’s mind 改變主意

Make up one’s mind 下定決心

Keep sth in mind 把…記住=learn sth by heart

10. experience 經歷/經驗(注意可數性)

11. Once 可作為從屬連詞,作「一(旦)……就……」解,連接一個表示時間的狀語從句。從句中常用一般現在時\現在完成時表將來。

Once you have begun you must continue.

12. give in 讓步

give up 放棄

give out分發,放出

give away 贈送,泄露

give off發出(光、熱、氣味等)

13. instead of 代替,而不是(介詞)

Instead 代替 (副詞)

14. in detail 詳細地

on purpose 故意地

by chance 偶然地

in return作為回報地

in turn依次地

by turns輪流地

15.a large parcel of 一大包

16.as usual 像往常一樣

17.put up our tent 搭帳篷

18.stay awake 睡不着,醒着 stay up 熬夜

19. for company 做伴

20.lie beneath the stars 躺在星空下

21.can hardly wait to do=can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事

22.go in the right direction 走正確的方向

23. at a very slow pace. 以很慢的速度

24.be similar to 類似於

25.afford to do sth 付得起,能承擔

26.be tired from 因……而疲勞

be tired of 對……厭倦

27. be in high spirits 喜氣洋洋,興高采烈

28.come true 實現,成真

29. give sb some advice on doing...

30. a guide to…的指南

31.on a tour 在遊覽中,在巡演中

on a visit 在參觀

Unit 4 Earthquakes

1. right away毫不遲疑,立刻

2. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。


① It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起來好像…

② Sb./Sth. looks as if/though…

③ There seems/appears(to be)… 似乎有….

There appears to have been a mistake.

3. Two-thirds of…..(分數的構成及用法說明)

4. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

5. under the weight of 在……重壓下,迫於

6. in the open air 在戶外,在野外,露天

7. take turns to do sth依次,輪流做某事

in turn 依次地,輪流地

by turns 依次地,輪流地

8. be shocked/surprised at 對……感到震驚

Be shocked/surprised to do sth

9. be proud of 以……為自豪=take pride in

10. express one’s thanks to sb /for sth… 對/因……表示感謝

11. without warning 毫無預兆地

12. next to緊接着,相鄰,次於

13. get away from… 避免,擺脫,離開

14. disaster-hit areas災區

15. Listening to English is a very important skill because it is only when we understand what is said to us that we can have a conversation with somebody.


16. It is believed that 人們認為…

It is said that 據說….

It is reported that 據報道….

17. hold up 舉起;托住;支撐列舉,推舉

18. make up 彌補, 虛構, 整理, 和解,化妝,拼湊

19. be trapped in 被困於…

20. be fixed to…被固定到……

21. be tied to … 被綁在……

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero

1. devote…(精力,時間,生命oneself) to doing sth獻身於…致力於…

Sb be devoted to doing sth

2. fight against 對抗,反對,與……作鬥爭

3. vote to do sth 投票做某事

Vote sb to be …選某人當

4. be free from 免於,不受

5. be in prison 入獄,在獄中服刑

6. the first man to do 第一個…的人

7. The time when I first met him was a very difficult period of my life. 第一次見到他的時候是在我一生中非常艱難的時期。

8. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.他十分慷慨地給予我時間,我為此非常感激。

9. become out of work. 失業

10. hope that…/to do sth

11. as soon as I could 儘快, 馬上

12. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.


13. Only 位於句首,做狀語時,主句採用部分倒裝的語序。

Only in this way can you come up with a solution to the problem. 只有這樣,你才能想出解決這個問題的辦法。

14. as a matter of fact 事實上

15. blow up 爆炸,打氣

16. be equal to 和…平等

17. in trouble 處於困境 遇到麻煩

18. be willing to do sth. 願意,樂於

19. turn to 變成;求助於,藉助於, 翻到,轉向

turn to sb for help 向某人求助

20. lose heart 灰心;泄氣, 喪失勇氣,失去信心

21. escape from 逃脫,逃離,從……逃出

22. should have done 本應做而未做

needn’t have done 本不需要做而做了

can’t have done 過去不可能做過(對過去的否定推測)

must have done 對過去的肯定推測

23. pass the exam. 通過考試

24. be better educated 受到良好教育

25. come to power 執政

26. be proud to do sth. be proud of sth 為…而自豪

27. set up 創立,建立,架起,建造

The company was set up ten years ago. 公司是十年前建立的。

28. be sentenced to … 被判處……

29. Do you have any thoughts on that 你認為那怎麼樣?

30. to my understanding 按我的理解

in my opinion依我之見

31. be accepted by … 被……錄取、接受

32. die from 死於…(事故等外部原因)

die of 死於… (疾病等自身原因)

33. under way 正在進行

34. point of view 觀點

35. compete with… 與……競爭

36. advise v.

advise + n./pron.

advise + doing

advise sb. to do sth.

advise + that從句(從句的謂語用「should + v原」, should 常省略)

註:與advise用法類似的動詞如forbid, allow, permit, admit, consider等直接接動詞作賓語時要用動名詞,但接賓補時後跟不定式。

如:We forbid smoking here.


Unit 1

1.survive sth 倖免於……(災難,故事等)

survive sb by……比…..多活…..

survive on sth 靠….生存

survive from 從……倖存或流傳下來

2. be valuable to…. =be of value to ……對…..有價值

3.search sb/sth 搜查….

search sb for sth 為….搜…..的身

search for尋找…..

4. in search of 尋找….

in need of 需要….. in place of 代替….. in fear of 擔心,害怕 in charge of 掌握,負責 in favor of 支持,贊同 in memory of /in honor of 為了紀念……

5.be amazed at/by/that….對…….感到驚訝

6.select sb to do sth 選擇……做…..


7. be designed for為…而設計

be designed as 設計成…..

choose from/between 從…..選擇

by design=on purpose 故意地

in design在設計上

8.take a fancy to do sth 喜歡…….

fancy doing sth 喜歡做……(歸納只接doing做賓語的相關動詞)

mind/miss, enjoy/escape/excuse, prevent/practice, suggest, consider keep on, avoid/admit/appreciate, risk/resist, finish/forbid/fancy, imagine/can’t help(忍不住,禁不住做某事)

9. out of style 過時 in style ;流行,盛行

10. decorate sth with...... 用……裝飾…

11. in return作為回報 in time 及時 in ruins 在廢墟中 in silence 沉默地

in short 簡而言之 in danger 處於危險中in trouble處於困境中 in need 需要

in case 以防萬一 in surprise 驚訝地 in fact 事實上 in evidence 顯而易見地

12.remove sth from…把…從…移開/去掉

13.worth:prep 相當於….價值的,值得的。

be worth +n 值….

Sth be worth doing ……值得被做……

Be worth it …….是值得的

worthwhile:adj 值得做的/值得花的

It’s worthwhile to do sth/ doing sth ……值得做某事/做….是值得的

worthy: adj 有價值的,配得上的,應得的

be worthy of +n 應得某物

sth be worthy of being done 某事值得被做/=sth be worthy to be done

14.take apart 拆開 take away 拿走 take out 拿出,取出

apart from ①除…..以外(別無其他)=except


15.sb could never have imagined that…..(某人無法想象(過去)……)

16.be made (not) to do…..被迫(不)做某事

17.have/has sth done……. (把……做成…..)

18. what happened to sb(發生在某人身上的事情);

what sb/sth look(s) like(某人、某物的樣子)=what sb/sth is(are) like;

what sb/sth used to be like(某人、某事過去的樣子);

what sb can do 某人能(會)做的事情;

what sb thought (某人所想的事情);

19.this is a time when …….(這是一個……的時代)

There is a time when …….(有一個…..時代);

20. there is no doubt that ……(毫無疑問……或……是毫無疑問的);

There is some doubt whether …(…是有些疑問的),句中的whether不能換成if;

It is +n/adj/done+that ……是主語從句如:

It is reported that……據報道…..;

It is said that…….據說….

It is believed that……有人認為…..

It is proved that …..事實證明……

It is good news that he passed the exam.他通過了考試是好消息。

It is no wonder that he passed the exam. 他通過了考試是不足為奇的。

21. to one’s +n(令….的是)名詞可以是surprise/sadness/joy/excitement/等抽象名詞。

22.by oneself 單獨地,獨自地

for oneself親自地,靠自己的力量;

23.think highly/much /wellof 看重,器重….

speak highly/well /much of….高度讚揚….

24. return …..to….把….歸還給…..



1. compete with/against sb (for sth) 為….與某人競爭

compete in 在….競爭

compete for…..為…競爭

2. take part in sth 參與…..活動

attend sth 出席/參加…..

join sb in sth 在某項活動中參加到某人所在的那方

join in sth 參加某活動

join sth 參加某組織、團體等

3. stand for 代表

stand up for 支持,維護

stand out 突出,顯眼

stand by 支持,袖手旁觀

4. interview sb about sth 就某事採訪某人

interview sb for a job 對某人進行面試

give an interview 接受採訪

5. volunteer to do sth 自願/主動提出做某事

volunteer for sth 自願為…..做某事

6. used to do sth 過去常常做某事

didn’t use to do sth 過去不做某事

be/get used to doing sth 習慣於做某事

be used to do sth 被用與做某事

7.a regular bus 班車

a regular customer 常客,老顧客

lead a regular life 過上有規律的生活

normal temperature 正常體溫

an ordinary worker 一位普通工人

8.on the basis of economy以經濟為基礎

on the base of the building 房子的地基

9.admit (to) doing sth 承認做了某事

admit sb to be +n/adj 承認某人是….

admit that……承認……

admit sb/sth to into sth 准許某人/某物進入…..

sb be admitted to/into ……某人被…..錄取

10.allow sb to do sth=sb be allowed to do sth 允許某人做某事

allow doing sth 允許做某事

allow for sth 考慮到….

11.as well 肯定句末尾;too肯定句末尾;either 否定句末尾;also 行為動詞前助動詞之後;

So+助詞+主語 主語也……(一件事)

nor/neither+助詞+主語 主語也不……(一件事)

so it is/was with sb 多件事也……

it is/was the same with 多件事也…..

so +主語+助詞;nor/neither +主語+助詞(表示強調「的確」)

12.take on responsibilities 承擔責任

have/take responsibility for….. =be responsible for….. 對….負責

13. replace ….with/by….用….替換/取代….

replace sth sp 把某物放回原處

take one’s place =take the place of 代替…..

in place of =instead of sb/sth 代替/頂替

14.every +序數詞/+單數名詞;每隔…..

every +基數詞+複數名詞;

every second day=every two days 每隔一天/每兩天

every + few +複數名詞;

every +other +單數名詞;

every other day=every few days每隔幾天/每幾天

15. that/this is why….. 那/這是為什麼….的原因

That is why they refused to do so.那就是他們拒絕為什麼那麼做的原因。

This/that is because ….這/那是因為…..

That is because she didn’t catch the regular bus.那是因為她沒有趕上班車.

16.as ….as 與….一樣

as+adj +a/an +單數名詞+as 一樣…的……

as beautiful a building as 一樣漂亮的房子

as +many +複數名詞+as 一樣多的….

as many friends as 一樣多的朋友

as much + 不可數名詞 +as 一樣多的….

as much money as 一樣多的錢

17. in charge of 負責/掌管…..

in the charge of 被…..掌管/由…..負責

take charge of 負責/掌管….. charge sb with (doing)sth 因….控告某人

in front of 在…..前面 in the front of 在….前部

in control of 控制…. in the control of 在…..的控制之下/被…控制

18.advertise sth 宣傳某事;

advertise for sb 登廣告招聘….

19.marry late/early 晚婚、早婚

marry sb =get married to sb 與某人結婚(表示動作)

be married to sb 與某人結婚(表示狀態)

marry A to B 把A嫁給B,或讓A與B 結婚

20.promise (sb) to do sth 答應(某人)做什麼

promise sb sth = promise sth to sb 答應某人某事

21.pick up 撿起,搭載,學會;

pick out 挑選,辨別出;

pick off 去除

pick over 仔細挑選

22.one after another 陸續地,一個接一個地;

one and the same 同一個;

one by one 逐一地,逐個地;

one and all 各位,大家。

23.deserve +sth 值得,應得;

deserve to do ……應該做….

sth deserve doing =sth deserve to be done …..值得被做

24.the more ….,the more ….. 越…..越……

The more you speak English, the better your English will become.

The +比較級+of the two +n.兩個…中較…的那個。

25.強調句 it is/was ……that/who ….被強調的成份是「人」時,引導詞用who或that; 被強調的成份不是「人」是「物」時,引導詞用that.

Unit 3 computers

1. have a lot/a great deal/much in common 有很多共同之處

have nothing/little in common 沒有/幾乎沒有共同之處

2. face /accept reality 面對/接受現實

3. go ahead 先走,

go through 經歷,遭受,通過

go against 反抗,與…不符 go over 反覆研究,仔細檢查

go in for 愛好,參加考試或競賽

4. result in 導致

result from 起因於….

as a result of 由於..

5. make an application to sb for sth 向….申請…..

apply for 申請….

apply to 適應於….應用於…….

apply…to…. 把…應用到…..

6. set a/one’s goal 樹立目標,確立目標

keep goal 守門

reach/realize one’s goal達到目標

score a goal 進一球

7. it was + 時段+ before….過了….才….(從句用一般過去時)

it was not+ 時段+ before…不久就…..(從句用一般過去時)

it will be +時段+before+….要不了…..就….(從句用一般現在時)

it will not be +時段+before+….要過…..才…. (從句用一般現在時)

8. make +賓語+賓語補足語(要弄清賓補的含義)

What he said made all of us laugh.他的話讓我們大家都笑了。

Please speak louder to make yourself heard.請大聲點,以便大家都能聽到。

The news of his death made us sad.他死亡的消息使我們難過。

We made Tom our monitor我們讓他當我們的班長。

9. so ….that ….句型和such …..that…. 句型的差異。

It is such a heavy box that I can’t carry it. 這個箱子太重,我搬不動。

10. be +of +(no,some, any,little,much,great等)抽象名詞=be +抽象名詞所對應的形容詞

They are of great help(=very helpful) to English learners.


be + of +名詞還可以表達沒有相應形容詞的名詞。

(size, age, color, height, shape.等)

We are of the same age.我們一樣大。

14.give up 放棄

give off 發出,放出

give back 歸還,送回

give out 用完,發出(光,熱)

give in 屈服,讓步

give over 將….交出

give away 贈送,捐贈

15.consist of 由…..組成

consist in 在於,位於

be consistent with….與…一致.

16.signal to sb 向…發信號

signal sb to do sth 示意...做某事

17.in a way 在某種程度上

no way 沒門 in no way 一點也不,絕不

all the way 一直,至始至終

on the way to 在去…的路上.

18.make up for 補償,彌補

make out 聽清,辨別清楚

make it 獲得成功

make the most/best (use) of 充分利用

make up one’s mind 下定決心make room for …為… 騰地方

make sense of 理解

19.help sb out 幫助…擺脫

help sb with sth 幫助某人做某事

help sb (to) do sth 幫助某人做某事

help (to) do sth 幫忙做某事

help oneself to sth 隨意(拿,吃)某東西

can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事

can’t help but do sth 只好做….

20.provide sb with sth 向….提供…..

provide sth for sb 為….提供….

21.share….with sb 與….分享….

23.after all 畢竟,歸根結底,別忘了

24.deal with(與how搭配)=do with(與what搭配)=cope with處理,應付

25.keep watch 看守,警惕 keep a close watch 嚴密監視

watch over看守,監視 watch out小心,留神

watch out for sb/sth 小心某人/某物

26.it is no use/good doing sth 做某事是沒用/好處的

It is worthwhile/worth doing sth 做某事是值得的

27.mean to do sth 打算做什麼

Mean doing sth 意味着…..

28.make a mistake = make mistakes 犯錯

29.program sth with sth 用….給…編程

Unit 4

1. enough food 足夠的食物big enough room 足夠大的房間


2. decrease …to…減少到….


3. die off 相繼死去

die away 逐漸消失

die down 逐漸變弱

die for 為…而死

die of…死於(內因)

die from 死於(外因)

be dying for 渴望…

(說明die的基本用法,短動,進行表將來,完成時用be dead 表示狀態)

4. at a loss不知所措,損失

suffer great losses 遭受重大損失

make up for the loss 彌補損失

5. reserve sth for sb 為某人預定某物

reserve one’s opinion 保留..意見

6. too much + n或修飾動詞 much too + adj 表示「過量的」

7. hunt for=look for 尋找….

hunt sb/sth down 緝捕某人/搜尋某物

8. in peace 和平地

in excitement 興奮地

in anger 生氣地

in surprise 驚訝地

in silence 沉默地

in danger 處於危險地

9. respond to sb/sth with sth 用…對…做出反應

in response to 作為對….的答覆/反應

10. in the distance 在遠處

keep sb at a distance 與某人保持距離

11. turn down 關小 turn on 打開 turn off 關掉

turn to 求助於 turn away 不准進入 turn up 調大/出現

turn in 上交 turn out 熄滅,結果是 turn over翻轉/認真思考

12.in relief 如釋重負

to one’s relief 令某人安心的是

It is a relief to …做…是讓人欣慰的事

relieve sb of sth 幫助….減輕…

relieve one’s pain/pressure 減輕某人的痛苦/壓力

13. burst into laughter=burst out laughing 突然大笑起來

14. without mercy 兇殘地/毫不留情地

show/have mercy to sb/sth 對…表示憐憫

beg/ask for mercy 乞求寬恕

15. be certain/sure to do sth 肯定會做某事

be certain/sure of sth 對…有把握

be likely to do sth.可能做某事

16.protect …. from… 保護…不受…(危害)

prevent….from…/stop …from…/阻止…做某事


17.affect sb to tears 把某人感動得流淚

sb be affected by… 某人被…感動

affect sb/sth 影響某人或某物

have an effect on sb /sth 對…..有影響

18.pay attention to …./adv 注意…

19.appreciate (sb) doing sth感激/喜歡…(做)…

Sb appreciate it if …..如果….將感激不盡

20.succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事

Succeed to sth 繼承….

21.employ sb/sth to do sth 僱傭…做某事

sb/sth be employed in doing sth 從事… 忙於…

22.do harm to sb/sth =do sb/sth harm 對某人有害

23.what a/an + (adj)+ n+主語+謂語

What + adj +u/pl+主語+謂語

How + adj + a/an + n + 主語+謂語

How +adj/adv+主語+謂語

How +主語+謂語

24.photograph sb/sth 給….照相、拍照

Take a photo of sb/sth 給….照相、拍照

25.as usual = usually 通常,跟往常一樣

26.be related to sb/sth 與…有關/有聯繫

27.make sure +that+ 句子 弄清,查明某事

28.come into being 產生,形成 come into use 開始使用

come into power 執政,當權 come into fashion 開始流行

29.according to sb/sth 根據….(所說)including prep.包括,包含

Unit 5

1. dream of /about sb/sth/doing sth 夢想/夢見

realize one’s dream 實現…的夢想

one’s dream come true 某人的夢想得以實現

dream a … dream 做一個….的夢

2. pretend to do sth 假裝做某事

pretend to be doing sth 假裝在做某事

pretend to have done sth 假裝做了某事

3. to be honest =to tell (you)

the truth 說實話,老實地說

to be frank 坦率地說

to be exact 確切地說

4. attach …to …把…附(系)在…上

attach importance/value/weight to sth 認為…重要/有價值/有分量

5. form a/an … habit 養成…的習慣

in the form of …以…形式

6. passer-by----passersby-by路人

lookers-on 旁觀者

sister-in –law----sisters-in-law 嫂子

two women doctors 兩個女醫生

grown-up--grown-ups 成人


7. earn one’s living by… = make one’s living by… 維持生計

8. perform an experiment 做實驗

perform one’s promise 履行諾言

9. play jokes on sb 戲弄…/同…開玩笑

make fun of sb/sth 取笑…

play a trick on sb捉弄…

10. rely on sb/sth (to do sth)依靠/信任….

rely on it that + 句子 相信…/指望…

11. be familiar with …對…熟悉

be familiar to … 為/被…所熟悉

12. break out 散開/破碎/使…分手

break through突破/做出新的重大發現

break down 出故障/失敗/垮掉 break off 斷開/使折斷

13. in addition 另外/也

in addition to 除…以外(還)

14. sort out 理順/整理、把…安排好

all sorts of 各種各樣的

15. hit (n)走紅/一舉成功,很受歡迎的人/事

She has become a hit here. 她在這裡很受歡迎.

16. (much)To one’s great( deep)surprise/joy/anger/relief

令…驚訝/高興/生氣/放心的是 happiness/sadness

「To one’s +情感類名詞」結構中可以用great/deep修飾名詞,也可以在結構前加much來修飾表示程度。

17. be confident about… 對…有信心

be confident of 對…有把握

have/show (lose) confidence in sb/sth對…有(失去)信心

18. in short= in brief=briefly 簡而言之 /簡短地/簡潔地

19. devote (time,energy,life…) to …把時間,精力,生命…獻給…

devote oneself to… 專注於…

be devoted to…專注於…

20. enjoy doing sth 喜歡做什麼

21. go wrong 犯錯誤,做錯事,出故障

go deaf/mad/blind/bad 變得耳聾/發瘋/變瞎/變質

22. make sense 有意義/講得通

make sense of…理解/弄懂…

be sensitive to sth 對…的(態度或感受)敏感/過敏等

23. agree with sb/idea/ opinion 同意某人的意見,觀點看法

agree with sb/sth (氣候,食物)適合…

agree to sth 同意某人的計劃,安排,建議等

agree on sth 就…達成協議

24. sb come up with sth 提出(問題);想出辦法

sb put forward/raise sth提出(問題);想出辦法


The questions come up in the conversation.(主動表示被動含義)

The questions were come up with in the conversation


25. stick to 堅持(to是介詞) stick …to… 把…粘在…

「to」 是介詞的相關短語小結:

be/get used to 習慣於/適應於 = get/ be accustomed to

pay attention to 注意… lead to 導致;通向

be/get addicted to 沉溺於… add to 使增加;使擴大

look forward to 盼望/期望 contribute to 有助於

object to 反對 adjust/adapt to 適應

turn to 轉向,求助於 refer to 涉及;參考

26. What if 如果…會怎麼樣?/要是…會怎麼樣?


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