
情感導師 5560


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Some people are mountains and rivers, but rivers are not ports to call. I was full of pride and possession when I mentioned you before. Later, I felt pity and grievance.



If it's windy, take good care of yourself. If it rains, don't wet your clothes. Get along well in the future. I'll walk slowly.


I'm sad "what's the matter with you?" this is the most sad dialogue group. I hope that no matter whether that person is me or not, there will always be people who love her most.


Wear green gauze, with affectionate ideas, the wind and rain, life is not afraid. (Western proverb) floating life opens its eyes with dreams, the sea is like waves, the heart is like a bright moon, and its eyes fall like the sky. You are flirtatious and I will accompany you myself.


I hope no years can be saved and spend the rest of my life with a deep heart. You said, glancing at it with fear, smoke and rain began to fall. Later, plain white yarn, negative capsule.


If we meet again in this life, even if we are wandering for a hundred years, even if we are lost for a thousand years, we are willing to do it. (Shakespeare). The tenderness of the lowest head, like a sleeping lotus, can not resist the shyness of the cold wind. A treasure, there is sweet sadness in that treasure. (Shakespeare).


The embers of distant mountains and fresh water fade, leaving a shadow. People are intoxicated with the charm of seclusion and solitude. Bichuan Changyu leaned gently, always fragile, leaving people in tears. (Shakespeare).


The old wound did not go away, and the new pain increased again. The sound of silk and bamboo spread to your ears. At that time, you thought that the mottled marks on the water lane, cattle packaging line and stone street were deeply branded by you. (Shakespeare).


Brew wine with the old mood, make the rest of your growth drunk and don't worry anymore. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, famous drinking sayings) I hope you can die heartbroken many years later. Because I miss me.


At the banquet, the accident of erasing the wine between Song people's farewell melted into smoke. Spring water is born, spring forest is formed, and spring breeze is ten miles. It's not as good as you.


2024-06-02 03:06:33


2024-02-21 14:02:50


2023-11-10 07:11:03



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