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「來源: |外刊手札 ID:ForeignJournal310」







今天看business insider的這篇:研究:「一日出軌,終身出軌」有科學依據。


Admitting you were unfaithful in past relationships is a gamble. "Once a cheater, always a cheater" is a phrase that can damage your reputation for a long time, if you're unlucky.

承認你在之前的情侶關係中不忠是一次賭博。如果你不走運的話,「一日出軌,終身出軌」 這句短語則會長期損害你的聲譽。

According to some scientific research, there could actually be some fact behind the idiom.


A new study, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour, followed 484 participants in mixed gender romantic relationships. The researchers asked the participants to report their own "extra-dyadic sexual involvement" — having sexual relations with someone other than their partner — and also whether they had suspected their partners of infidelity in each romantic relationship they had been in.


The results showed that people who had messed around in their first relationship were three times more likely to cheat in their next relationship compared to those who had stayed faithful.


Those who knew that their previous partners had cheated on them were twice as likely to have their next partners do the dirty on them too. Suspicion also appeared to be hard to shake, as people who suspected their first relationship partners of cheating were four times more likely to report suspicion in later relationships.


One reason for this could be the fact that when we lie, our brain actually gets used to it. This was the finding of a study published in Nature Neuroscience, which showed that telling small lies desensitises our brains to the associated negative emotions, which may encourage us to tell bigger lies in the future.


In other words, those little white lies we tell all the time might build up into bigger, more serious untruths.


In the study, participants were divided into pairs. One was shown a glass jar full of coins, and the other a blurry picture of the same jar. The participant with the jar was instructed to help their partner guess how many coins it contained.


One group of participants were told they would get a cash prize if their partner overestimated the number of coins, leading them to lie and exaggerate. The researchers saw that the amygdala — the area of the brain responsible for emotions — responded when participants lied, but this response weakened when lies were repeatedly told.


A similar thing could happen when somebody cheats on their partner. The first time they do it, they will probably feel terrible. However, if it happens again, they will feel slightly less bad, and so on. It could all be down to the biology of the brain, and what the amygdala is making you feel.


In an interview with Elite Daily, researcher at Princeton Neuroscience and co-author of the study Neil Garrett said: "What our study and others suggest is a powerful factor that prevents us from cheating is our emotional reaction to it, how bad we feel essentially, and the process of adaptation reduces this reaction, thereby allowing us to cheat more."


"With serial cheaters, it could be the case that they initially felt bad about cheating, but have cheated so much they've adapted to their ways and simply don't feel bad about cheating anymore."


He added: "Another possibility is that they never felt bad about cheating to begin with, so they didn't need adaptation to occur, they were comfortable with it from the get-go."


1. 「出軌」的多樣表達

① cheater

Rachel說「Once a cheater, always a cheater.」翻譯成「一日出軌,終身出軌」。

先看看 cheat (v.) 欺騙;劈腿 ▼

單詞原意是「作弊、欺騙」的意思,但用在情感關係間的話,就能衍生為「出軌、劈腿、背叛」。還有一個值得注意的地方,cheat 後面加不同的介詞,表達的意思會差十萬八千里!

A cheat on B (A背叛B)

Mary found out that her husband has cheated on her for 20 years, and they are filing a divorce lawsuit now.

Mary 發現她老公在外面偷吃了20年,現在他們在打離婚官司。

A cheat with B (A和B有一腿)

The fact that David is cheating with Doris is an open secret.

David 和 Doris 有一腿是個公開的秘密。


② mess around

The results showed that people who had messed around in their first relationship were three times more likely to cheat in their next relationship compared to those who had stayed faithful.

mess around本意是浪費時間;磨蹭;胡鬧,用在感情里也是不負責任的表現了。

③ do the dirty on sb


Those who knew that their previous partners had cheated on them were twice as likely to have their next partners do the dirty on them too.


do the dirty on sb 的英語解釋是「to behave unfairly towards someone, usually without their knowledge」。


He can't forgive her for doing the dirty on him and having an affair with his best friend.


2. 「從一開始」英語怎麼說?

He added: "Another possibility is that they never felt bad about cheating to begin with, so they didn't need adaptation to occur, they were comfortable with it from the get-go."


get-go替代beginning表示「開始,開端」:get going 是「出發啟程」的意思,


I've gotta get going or I'll be late.

體育田徑場上,裁判會在起點喊:"Get, set, go!"


久而久之,一首一尾的 get go


所以慣用語 from the get go (也有很多人加上連字號,寫成 from the get-go

意思跟 from the very beginning 一樣:

The latest research shows that babies can be taught the difference between night and day from the get-go.




2024-09-30 06:09:31


2024-05-13 17:05:21

發了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎麼辦呢?

2024-04-16 08:04:13



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