
情感導師 7927


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1、我本在深淵無憂無慮,你過來問我是否離去,你帶我去看美好光明,我伸手想要觸摸擁抱,你卻要走了,帶走了所有美好光明, 留我獨自一人 慢慢走往回家的夜路。

I am in the abyss and carefree, you come to ask me if I leave, you take me to see the beautiful light, I stretched out my hand to touch and hug, but you are leaving, take away all the beautiful light, leave me alone slow Slowly walk the night way home.


I’m feeling restless recently. I don’t know if I’m too tired recently, and I’m feeling okay. I have an intuition, are you going to get married soon? I beg you, don’t let me know, it’s really me. Please, if you see this comment, trouble you, don’t let my friend tell me this one day, even if I am a clown. In 2020, I want to stick to these three most important months. I beg you for this matter.



To be honest, I had a good time after leaving you. I don’t need to care what others say, because I met someone who is gentler than you and will take care of my little emotions. When I’m hungry, he will take me out for dinner. If I’m sick, he will. Buy me medicine, he will comfort me when I cry, maybe this is the sense of security he gave me.


In fact, I found out after I left you that I am beautiful and excellent. I can receive the gift softly. I don’t have to worry about whether you will do the question, whether you will quarrel with your parents, or whether you will have an accident if you don’t go home at night. I don't have to worry about whether there will be results all the time. I don't have to be uncomfortable because you don't understand what I think. Thank you very much, I like it. I turned out to be very good


To be honest, I can't be so kind that I hope he will live well in the future, so I will ask again, I don't want it! Love without self-knowledge, self-righteous love, and disrespectful love is not rare even if it is given for nothing. Love is mutual. Don’t cherish it when you are together. Don’t try to stay if you are apart. If you are hurt, you will stay again. After staying, you will never repent and leave.


I broke up with him for a long time, and now he has a new relationship. When I broke up with him, he said that I was just new to him and I didn't know him, but when did he understand my precautions and concerns? If I knew it, I wouldn't say the kind of words that suspected me of cheating. After all, it's still not suitable to go together.


In the past, I would never mention breaking up, but in exchange he gave up again and again. Later, when I was frustrated, I also raised the break up. He has never recovered. No matter who raises the breakup, I will always take the initiative. Find him. He always said that he would take the initiative to save me, but he never did it once. I mentioned that when I broke up, he really didn't look for me. In fact, he didn't like him enough, right, but he was the only one in my eyes for the past seven years. By the way, I have been together for three years.

8、一切都沒有了,我們一起走了好多年,最後你告訴我說不想再耽誤我,現在的處境不適合跟我在一起,沒有心思談戀愛 等我離開我們這座城市,我朋友看到你牽着另一個女孩子 兩個人笑得很開心。

Everything is gone. We walked together for many years. At last you told me that you don’t want to delay me anymore. The current situation is not suitable for being with me. I don’t have the heart to fall in love. Waiting for me to leave our city, my friend sees you holding me Two people smiled happily with the other girl.

9、我愛過你,你現在是別人的了。你現在跟的這個人,是我曾經的兄弟 。是知道我深深愛着你的兄弟,我希望你能早點看清他。他性格不錯,但是他是絕對的會後悔,你和他在一起,受傷的只有你,我不想見到這樣的局面,我愛過你,你這樣的好女孩真的不多了。

I loved you, you are someone else's now. The person you are talking to now is my former brother. It’s the brother who knows that I love you deeply, and I hope you can see him clearly sooner. He has a good personality, but he will definitely regret it. You are the only one injured when you are with him. I don't want to see such a situation. I loved you. There are really not many good girls like you.


Obviously I love each other very much, but I still propose to break up because he is very good but he doesn’t understand me. Yesterday I heard from my friend that she got married. I can’t tell how it feels. Maybe she’s been happier than me. Then bless silently.


2024-06-01 02:06:01


2023-11-06 12:11:48



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