
情感導師 6252


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Since I've always been single, my friend taught me a quick way to find a girlfriend, which is to park my car in front of a bar. I tried it yesterday, but as soon as I turned around, someone scanned my bike and rode off.



Don't believe anyone's image on the Internet. For example, you think I am a mature adult, but in fact, I tell you, I am just a kid who has just started kindergarten.


Don't people always say it's sexier to have a light beard? Why did the more I looked in the mirror, the more I sensed something was wrong? Is it because the color of my lipstick doesn't match my beard?


In fact, I really love you, but if you must give me a time limit for your love, then I can surely tell you only seven seconds, after all, the memory of a fish only seven seconds, and I am just a fish in your fish pond, what do you want me to do?


As a matter of fact, I am a student of performance major. If you let me perform a paragraph, I will give you a performance of a beautiful woman today.


Don't look at me all day long post a lot of friends in the circle of fun, in fact, as long as you chat with me privately, you will find that in fact, I will not reply to your message.


Originally I want to let you send me home today, so I whispered to you that I am afraid of the dark, let you accompany me upstairs, the result of your ao voice, the whole building of the sound-controlled lights all shout bright, ha ha!


I look so beautiful, but the camera can not capture my beauty, that is completely the camera's problem, what has to do with me?


Why do I advise you not to sleep late on the weekend, after all, the weekend time belongs to their own time, how to use their own time to sleep late! What a waste! You're talking about work before you fall asleep!


Conclusion: these sentences can eliminate all your worries, humorous and funny, take a look!





2024-08-14 13:08:55


2024-02-03 19:02:17

發了正能量的信息了 還是不回怎麼辦呢?


獲取更多愛情挽回攻略 婚姻修復技巧 戀愛脫單幹貨

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