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《前任3:再見前任》(The Ex-file:The Return Of The Exes)火了,很多人在觀影的時候笑着笑着就哭了,因為他們在電影裡看到了曾經的自己。不是每段愛情故事都有美好結局,在光影的世界裡,我們看到了太多破鏡重圓的故事,然而在現實世界裡,有些人一旦錯過就不在。





When the journey of love comes to its hazy crossroads, the only way to verify whether two people are still in love is to split up. If pain and nostalgia creep up on them, that's true love. And true love will breed a second encounter.


Two lovers split up, because one assumed the other would stay whereas one assumed the other would persuade.


What are you waiting for? You're both awaiting the other's letting go.


Only after Zi Xia Fairy left Zhi Zunbao, can Zhi Zunbao grow up into the real Monkey King.


There is no love in her eyes anymore, just like I never had at the start.


No matter how deeply we are in love, we can't ward off the mainipulation of destiny.


You are missing each other in the name of a quarrel.


We are both craving for a brand-new start, a brand-new life, forgetting that new ones are coming around.


At different stages, our life is visited by different people, inevitably with someone coming, and someone leaving.


Not everyone can be called "Ex". "Ex" is not a particular person, but the trace one left.


The return of the exes. 再見前任

My Ex我的前任


Ex-girlfriend 前女友

Ex-husband 前夫

Ex-wife 前妻



Break-up 名詞

Break up 動詞,break up with somebody

Amicable breakup 和平分手

Ugly breakup 鬧得不好的分手

Nasty breakup 鬧得不好的分手

Ugly/bad/Nasty break-up分得很難看

I have broken up with LinJia.我已經跟林佳分手了。Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.她分手時說的話讓他感覺空虛孤獨。To be leave-taking, but I need more patience.即將告別,但還需要忍耐。I split up with my boyfriend last year.我去年和男友分手了。


Don’t call me any more.以後別再打給我了。I don’t think we should see each other anymore.我想我們以後不要再見面了。I'll get in touch after they release me.請不要與我聯繫和發短信。

Divorce 離婚

Wang Fei divorced her husband.王菲跟她老公離婚了。They’re still on good terms.我們現在關係還不錯。分手有開撕的,也有好聚好散的:


He is having an affair.他在搞外遇。He is seeing her behind your back.他背着你偷偷跟她約會。He is not finished with his ex.他對他前女友余情未了。Finally you can cheat on me, huh?你終於有機會劈腿了,哈?


I believe in the saying of drinking down sorrow.我相信借酒消愁的說法。He got disappointed by my repeated wrongdoings and began to drown his worries in drink.我一次次的折騰簡直令他失望了,終日泡在酒中,借酒消愁。He sought escape in the bottle from hard realities.他常常借酒消愁來逃避殘酷的現實。Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink.亨利往往借酒消愁。


Finish with somebody


She finished with her boyfriend last week.她上周跟她男友分手了。

Say goodbye to somebody


It's time to say goodbye to your cheating boyfriend.是時候跟你那個劈腿的男友說再見了。

Walk out on somebody


He walked out on his wife.他拋棄了自己的妻子。

Leave somebody at the altar


Her fiancé left her at the altar.她的未婚夫在最後關頭還是跟她分手了。



By that time, he had already parted from his first wife.那時,他已經和第一任妻子分開了。



Back together

更口語化的方式:Back on

那怎麼用這兩個詞組呢?They are back together.They are back on.



Reunion 名詞 重聚,複合,比如樂隊解散了,複合。

Reunite 動詞



Reunited couple 複合的情侶

Rekindle their relationship 舊愛重燃


Rebound relationship 療愈戀情

Rebound 籃板球

Rebound guy/girl 備胎


On again, off again

On and off

Off and on

用法:They're on and off.Off and on relationship.


抱一抱Hug me.就當作從沒有在一起Just pretend as if we haven't been together.好不好Shall we?要解釋都已經來不及It's too late to explain anymore.算了吧Forget about it.我付出過什麼沒關係It doesn't matter how many efforts I have paid.我忽略自己I set myself aside,就因為遇見你just because I met you.沒辦法So helpless.好可怕So fearful.那個我That version of me不像話was too absurd.一直奮不顧身I have been dashing ahead dauntlessly.是我太傻It was too foolish of me.說不上愛別說謊Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love.就一點喜歡Just a little crush.說不上恨別糾纏Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate.別裝作感嘆Don't pretend to sigh.就當作我太麻煩Just pretend I have been asking for trouble,不停讓自己受傷hurting myself again and again.我告訴我自己I told myself,感情就是這樣"That's just the way love is.怎麼一不小心太瘋狂How careless was it for me to get insane?"抱一抱Hug me.再好好覺悟不能長久Then be aware that our love does't last long.好不好Shall we?有虧欠我們都別追究Whatever we owe each other, set them aside.算了吧Forget about it.我付出再多都不足夠It's far from enough no matter how many efforts I've paid.我終於得救Ultimately, I was saved.我不想再獻醜I don't want to act like a clown anymore.沒辦法 不好嗎Isn't that great if we can do nothing about it.大家都 不留下Just leave each other for good.一直勉強相處If we persist in staying together.總會累垮we will be worn out eventually.說不上愛別說謊Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love.就一點喜歡Just a little crush.說不上恨別糾纏Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate.別裝作感嘆Don't pretend to sigh.就當作我太麻煩Just pretend I have been asking for trouble,不停讓自己受傷hurting myself again and again.我告訴我自己I told myself,感情就是這樣"That's just the way love is.怎麼一不小心太瘋狂How careless was it for me to get insane?"別後悔Don't regret.就算錯過Even if we've missed something.在以後From now on,你少不免想起我you might miss me once for a while.還算不錯That can be a good ending.當我不在你會不會難過Will you grieve if I am not around?你夠不夠我這樣灑脫Can you laugh it off like me?說不上愛別說謊Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love.就一點喜歡Just a little crush.說不上恨別糾纏Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate.別裝作感嘆Don't pretend to sigh.將一切都體諒Sympathize everything.將一切都原諒Forgive everything.我嘗試找答案I'm trying to look for the answer.而答案很簡單But the answer is so simple.簡單得很遺憾So simple, so pitiful.因為成長Thanks to our growth,我們逼不得已要習慣we are compelled to get accustomed to that pity.因為成長Thanks to our growth,我們忽爾間說散就散we broke up once we spoke of breaking up.


2024-07-24 02:07:43


2024-06-13 15:06:18



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